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18th March - team partner for the races?

flobach's picture

By flobach - Posted on 11 March 2007

I'm gonna do the 8 hour in Darks Forest - SOLO. ( )
If anyone wants to HELP ME...I would do it in a team as well. Give me a call or drop me a line, anmd we'll work it out.
Would be cool Eye-wink


Matt's picture

I'd love to help you out but the CEO of the house might cut off my allowance amongst other things...

Good on you for giving it a go, these things are great fun, you meet heaps of people and they're very popular with the local MTB crowd so (the point of this post being...) come on NobMobbers give Flo a hand and put in a few laps with him!


flobach's picture

I'll happily do the 8 hours on my own - anyne else who wants to come along DO IT.
8 hours can be fun - well afterwards its fun Eye-wink

Stuart M's picture

but sadly we are having our boys, much postponed, first birthday party next weekend.

Good luck

leximack's picture

i was going to do this SOLO as well, but the wife has "Ordered" me to come to a friends sons Christening instead, so i will have to wait for the next one. They are good events though. The track out there is quite technical apparantly (never been there myself) so the lap times are slower so you will probably do less km's than you would expect. If you have 2 bikes take them both as if you have a major mechanical you can run the backup bike. Have fun, drink and eat lots.

Caro's picture

Hi Flo,

Bruce and me will be there racing as a mixed team of two, so can't help you riding but am happy to be there for moral support (chocolate, snakes... Smiling! Heard great things about the track -techincal Smiling!- Should be good fun.

Bruce's picture

Hey Flo,

As Carolin said we will be there, so feel free to come over & have a chat & rest between laps.

If there is anyone out there that wants to give racing a go, this is the perfect event, very casual & great fun, so contact Flo!

flobach's picture

Cool - more people that I know Smiling
Bruce, will you be there with your big white ute? I'll be able to find that even in a pretty delirious state Eye-wink

Bruce's picture

Even if we arent at the car just give us a call, we could even try & meet up before the start.

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