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Dreggsy's lanscaping

Matt's picture

By Matt - Posted on 07 October 2007

This is at the bottom of the rock step-ups. The line to the left was opening up a little too much so this attractive landscaping feature closes it off while being pleasing to the passing eye... Trail maintenance and Feng Shui, who knew he was so talented?

dreggsy's picture

I told you all that time watching Gardening Australia would pay off.

Why did i block that line?
People were taking an extreme left, breaking branches off the nearest tree to get past.
so hopefully this Rock will stop them.

Rob's picture

Maybe someone should laminate that article from the MTB mag a while back which discusses how to get up the steps (and add something about getting up the boardwalk past here).

And put it on a notice board (aka. stake in the ground with said laminated page stapled to it) slightly off the trail here at the bottom of the steps.

Then people won't choose dumb lines 'cos they will know the way Eye-wink

alchemist's picture

What did you water them in with?

dreggsy's picture

My bladder was full so i emptied it on them.

yes my camelback bladder that is.........

Stuart M's picture

maybe you should make some up about staying on the trail, not riding around obstacles, walking over things you can't ride over.......haven't we been here before? Eye-wink

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