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world trail

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Falls Creek Resort, Construction to start DEC, World Trail builders!

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A few years back, World Trail delivered a "big picture" Master Plan for Mountain Biking on the highland ridges of Victoria's famous Falls Creek.
This week, Falls Creek Resort, announced const
ruction will start this year, in December.
World Trail are extremely excited and proud to be the company chosen to deliver a premium Mountain Bike experience for this unique destination, over the next few years.

nrthrnben's picture

Northern Beaches Trail Planning for NOBMOB and MWMTB

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Lets keep the ball rolling!

So where to from happy to see mwmtb and nobmob taking the lead with this on a public level, so i guess with so many members on nobmob and mwmtb combined, they need to join forces unofficially and stay on the same page and not go of in different directions

This will make sure all decision making is done to the benefit of all disciplines of mountain biking.

Mike Baird said "show us where you want the trails, and i will push for the funding that is available"

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