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iPhone Users - How to Import NoBMoB trail Maps into your iPhone's Google Earth

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iPhone Users - How to Import NoBMoB trail Maps into your iPhone's Google Earth app
(Tested in iPhone 5 with the latest Google Maps and Google Earth installed)

1 - Download Google earth to your PC and Install

2 - Download the file "NoBMoB KML" ( to your PC

3 - Open the file "NoBMoB KML" in Google earth PC application - File / Open

4 - Go to the desired trail in the trail list in Google Earth
e.g. NoBMoB / Northern Beaches / Red Hill / Red Hill

Deano's picture

google maps

Ive been emailed a training ride on google maps & was wondering how i get this on to my Edge 705?

[Mod. moved to geek gear]

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