Welcome to NoBMoB
Please note - registrations are now disabled for Nobmob.com. Most folks are using facebook, so please join the Nobmob facebook group to contact your fellow MTBers!
Welcome to NoBMoB - the Northern Beaches Mountain Biking Group. Not just for the extraordinary, everybody is welcome! Just starting out? Been riding for years? Join us for our weekly social rides on Sydney's beautiful Northern Beaches and beyond.
Why not sign up and post your ride, join someone else or just chat in the forums? Riders from all over Australia are here so you don't have to be a Northern Beaches local to enjoy. Make your plans sound enticing and see who comes along!
Looking to start mountain biking? Check out our Beginners Guide to Mountain Biking in Sydney.
Just looking for ideas of somewhere new to ride? Check out our trails around Sydney page. Or for further afield, our complete trails finder.
If you are interested in road riding, visit road.nobmob.com or elect to see content from there on this site.
Connect with NoBMoB through social networks to get news updates, be informed of new rides and more...
What no rides!?
Upcoming social/group training rides would normally appear here, but things are a little quiet at the moment and it's empty.
Don't be shy - this is a community site so if you're heading out and would like some company, post your ride.
Upcoming advocacy events would normally appear here, but things are a little quiet at the moment and it's empty.
Don't be shy - this is a community site so if you're out there working post your meeting.
Latest Forum Talk | When |
Open rides in the Southern Highlands??? | 5 years ago |
Lost BTWIN 100 | 5 years ago |
Convict 100 Race entry for the 44km | 5 years ago |
CTMBC Sheep Station | 5 years ago |
Edit | 6 years ago |
Event: Old Mans Valley Hornsby Sunday 17 March | 6 years ago |
Top 3 events in NSW | 6 years ago |
Frame protection start up | 6 years ago |
Should we MTB of NSW be concerned with the degrading of our State Forests | 6 years ago |
New Bike Advice | 6 years ago |
Looking for feeds? See here.

Port to Port giveaway - And the winner is...
Big Congratulations to...
Answer your PM for details of how to utilise the prize. Well done, and good luck!
To the rest of the entrants, sorry about that, but remember, you can still enter online the regular way here:
P.S Looking forward to at least one race report and some happy snaps

Port to Port MTB Stage Race - Entry giveaway here!
Entries now closed!
Win a complimentary ride entry into the 2017 Port to Port MTB race, May 25 - 28, valued at $440!
Port to Port MTB is one of the nation’s premium MTB stage races. A chance to experience some of the incredible tracks and trails we have in our backyard. OK - well, Newcastle's backyard, but it's not that far
The kind folks at Port to Port MTB Stage Race have given us a complimentary entry into this year's event to do with as we please.
While they suggest this could be auctioned off or used personally by an admin fairy I thought a more appropriate use would be to simply offer this entry to the community in a lottery.
If you would like to take part in this lottery simply comment (once or more, but multiple comments will not increase your chance of winning) on this thread before midnight on Sunday 23 April 2017 (AEST). The winner will be chosen at random the following day to give them plenty of time to register. NB: public registrations close May 23 so if you don't win but will still like to enter there's plenty of chance to do so.
NB: This is a multi-day MTB stage race. Please be sure you are able to complete the course and are able to meet other logistical requirements (transport, accommodation, meals and other incidentals are NOT included) before entering.
See the attached Ts&Cs from the event organiser.
... and good luck!

February '17 Trail Advocacy Round Up
Just a heads up on a few trail advocacy happenings mentioned in the forum lately.
First off, our friends over at BMORC have locked in 4 maintenance days this year, starting on Feb 25 with Knapsack Build Day - XC and DH. All the dates are in the calendar. See their announcement for more details and discussion: 2017 - Knapsack Trail Day Schedule.
Then we have a couple of consultations here or coming up in the local area:
- Eastern Blue Mountains Escarpment Master Plan survey - Thanks to BikePhysio for the heads up, and as he says, "Please take time to invest in their very short survey and propose more cycling infrastructure including the reopening of the old Glenbrook tunnel."
- OMV public consult coming soon - Your chance to have your say on restoration of public land around the existing OMV site. Naturally, the more voices asking for extended MTB infrastructure the better. Be heard! And thanks to Hawkeye for kindly volunteering to liaise on this matter - it's a pretty dry and thankless task but someone has to do it!

2016 Xmas Ride - December 11
There's not much 'real' news about these days, as can be seen from the 2015 Xmas ride still floating around on our front page!
So am taking the chance to remind everyone that this is actually a social site for organising MTB rides in the Sydney area. Who'd have thought
To that end, thanks to sikllama for posting up the NoBMoB xmas ride 2016. Come along and have some fun. Bike decorations are optional
And another gentle reminder: post it and they will come (eventually)... create a ride meeting regularly and, yes, eventually, you'll get some company.

Oaks Single Track Closed
Just a heads up for those thinking of riding in the Blue Mountains: the Oaks single track has been closed by NPWS due to "...potential asbestos contamination". Doesn't appear to affect the rest of the trail though.
Full quote:
Glenbrook Single Mountain bike track will be closed due to potential asbestos contamination. Riders and walkers will not be permitted on the track during the closure. Woodford Oaks fire trail riders can continue down the Oaks fire trail to exit via Glenbrook. Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, please contact the NPWS Richmond area office on (02) 4588 2400 or Blue Mountains Heritage Centre on (02) 4787 8877 or visit the NSW National Parks safety page for park safety guidelines.
Form more details see: http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park...