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Highland Fling

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Well I would like to start last year....................... Last year it was my first full fling and it was the longest distance I had ever rode.....whoops

Needless to say that I felt like crap by the end. I walked more than rode the last 30k's and felt real bad.

I particularly remember I was walking up Broke Back Mountain and I saw the 100k sign with another saying only 10k's to go, that this is the worst I have ever felt in my life.

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First Convict 50K

What a fast race!

Was not expecting to go as hard or fast as I did.

Did the race with a mate and I said to him at the 10k mark 'gee this is a fast pace'

His reply ' we are averaging 31k's................ thats faster then we do on our road bikes!'

great day as Arnie said I'll be back.

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