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Fling '09 Queues

This was the entry to a nice section of DH sniggle. Despite riding very slowly we still hit this queue.
I rolled down said sniggle trying to track stand most of the way
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That's way the worst queue I have seen. Crazy.
me 20 minutes from when I first hit this traffic jam to get upto this point, probably only one or two hundred meters.
Just as we started down the hill the elites came through so it was on and off the bike all the way down the hill to give them a fair go. That section of trail porbably took close to 35 minutes to get through
I blame the race leaders for this cock up
The first 100 or so riders were so full of being first they missed the arrows and went up the wrong track, only to have to double back, turning people around as they went. By the looks of this the ensuing traffic jam didn't ever really clear.
How do I know? I was at the tail of the 100km group heading in the opposite direction in the adjacent paddock and could see it all unfold
That's funny!
watching it happen, even had a bit of a chuckle as I could hear "Where are we going?" replied by "Not that f#$king way. Can anyone see arrows?"
When I finally got around to where they took the wrong turn the arrows were obvious and very easy to see, mind you I was keeping a close eye out for them and didn't have my nose glued to the wheel in front. Didn't think it was that funny though as I came around the next corner and saw the que.
I was in front of Rob too when I came up on this I thought someone had hurt themselves this was crazy part of the course , they should make it wider or passable thru here