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Greg taking flight!

Justin's picture

By Justin - Posted on 14 November 2005

ADRIAN B's picture

v brake and disc nice work. Smiling

pikey's picture

with the way I ride I need both Eye-wink

KonaBiker101's picture

I saw that one comment above that talked about your brakes, why do you need both brakes now?? Thats alot of complication for stopping power!! There are much easier and cheaper solutions for better braking power. First of all you disc has to be straight to get the best power, that way your calipers can be well tuned and everything is tight. IF they aren't you can bake your calipers, i'll put mine on an old flat pan and put them into the oven at 550 degrees F for about 30 min. Then when you pull them out pour cold water on them immediately, you'll have the straightest like new discs ever!!!

Then if your pads are worn quite a bit go ahead and pull those out, also have handy a blow torch, heavy and light grade sandpaper, and / or a concrete surface. The pads on your brakes have been cintered, which means put through high heat to produce the pad that you see. So take that blow torch and put the flame directly on the pad for about 2-4 minutes, and once they are heated up nicely turn it off. What you just did was pull all of the impurities in the pad to the surface, like maybe chain lube, or oil, or something from the trail that got into or on the pad out to the surface. Once its on the surface then you take the rough sandpaper and scrape them up a bit, or do it with concrete, whichever works. Then rub it down with the smooth sandpaper and your pads are done.

Once you have everything all back together, tighten the pads down onto the the disc until they're close to tight but not so tight that if aligned properly your wheel wouldn't spin. Then what you want to do is loosen the screws that are holding the actual brake onto your fork, and look at the alignment again, if they can be tightened a little more then do it. Final thing to do, grab your brake lever and squeeze it, making your brake actuate, or the two pads to squeeze the disc, the loose brake mechanism will center itself because of the loose screws exactly where it needs to be. Then all you have to do is tighten the screws back down while holding the brake lever in!!!

I know that sounds like alot, but I don't think there is any reason that you would need to ride with two brakes, thats a pretty crazy setup and I can tell ya i've never seen that in the states. If you need help with this, i'd go to your local bike shop and see what they say or what not. This is strictly from my experience through working at a bike shop and being a broke entrepreneur!!! Haha, so take it as you will.

ar_junkie's picture

Depending on the author, they need to be taken in jest... Eye-wink

dangersean's picture

do take note the date of the photo, think Pikey has moved on since then! (still has the bike though)

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