We went looking for Grassy Hill Firetrail which was reportedly nice (see http://ozultimate.com/bushwalking/walk.php?nid=212) but stopped just one corner too early and ended up on this sand-fest instead.
It was an adventure though, that's what counts, eh?
After the ride and discovering we were in the wrong place, drove on round the next corner and found a huge sign proclaiming 'Grassy Hill Firetrail' - it looked like a standard enough trail and drove a short way down it. Never did get back to see if there was that view at the end though
Came up in random image. Where is this?
Angorawa Creek - to the East of Putty Road.
We went looking for Grassy Hill Firetrail which was reportedly nice (see http://ozultimate.com/bushwalking/walk.php?nid=212) but stopped just one corner too early and ended up on this sand-fest instead.
It was an adventure though, that's what counts, eh?
After the ride and discovering we were in the wrong place, drove on round the next corner and found a huge sign proclaiming 'Grassy Hill Firetrail' - it looked like a standard enough trail and drove a short way down it. Never did get back to see if there was that view at the end though