Great looking bike. I am also up for some new wheels and weight about the same as you and also ride similar, no massive drops but a few smaller ones and some rocky ground. Be interested to hear your thoughts on the news wheelset as I was also thinking Hope hubs but wasn't sure about the rims.
Took the bike out for a ride tonight to christen the brakes and new wheel set, all I can say is I love being back on Avid brakes! Wheels were all good too, a few big unexpected rocks were found at speed, survived all good!!
I have to say the Hope Rear Hub has got to be the noisiest hub ive heard on an XC/AM bike, looks good though
Dave, I went for the Stans Rims for a couple of reasons, 1) i had the option of white. 2) the ZTR Flows were rated for a heavier rider, other model I looked at were rated at 80kg. 3) I can run standard tyres in Tubeless form ( i've got tubes in at the mo, but i will be changing over)
Weight wise, the wheel set came in 150gm lighter than the original set at 1780gms (with rotors) . they're 28mm externally so wider than the originals too.
really liking these bikes, now get some dirt on it!
Great looking bike. I am also up for some new wheels and weight about the same as you and also ride similar, no massive drops but a few smaller ones and some rocky ground. Be interested to hear your thoughts on the news wheelset as I was also thinking Hope hubs but wasn't sure about the rims.
Took the bike out for a ride tonight to christen the brakes and new wheel set, all I can say is I love being back on Avid brakes! Wheels were all good too, a few big unexpected rocks were found at speed, survived all good!!
I have to say the Hope Rear Hub has got to be the noisiest hub ive heard on an XC/AM bike, looks good though
Dave, I went for the Stans Rims for a couple of reasons, 1) i had the option of white. 2) the ZTR Flows were rated for a heavier rider, other model I looked at were rated at 80kg. 3) I can run standard tyres in Tubeless form ( i've got tubes in at the mo, but i will be changing over)
Weight wise, the wheel set came in 150gm lighter than the original set at 1780gms (with rotors) . they're 28mm externally so wider than the originals too.