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New Toy

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 13 April 2011

New trail/enduro bike: Cannondale Rize 3.

Will get some parts upgrades over the next few weeks as the 2010 XT running gear comes across from the Jekyll, and some more substantial Mavic CrossLand tubeless wheels.

First test ride around Manly Dam today was good. Not as plush as the old bike, but climbs a lot better and descending was more confident too.

Hop fiend's picture

when is it going to get it's 1st spin up at Kiwarrak?

hawkeye's picture

This weekend, if you're interested. Smiling

Black Flash's picture

It will be great around Kiwarrak! I was there this week with my old C'Dale. Issues with my new one... Dont ask.

hawkeye's picture

Yep, heard about that. Glad you're being looked after.

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