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A great place to lose yourself in for a few hours

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You are hereFling Training / Gallery / A great place to lose yourself in for a few hours
I often spend hours just riding around the diffent trails trying to link up some good loops. Will be organising a weekend ride meeting up there soonish...
So where is it @hawkeye? By the way, half your fork is missing
Hawkeye, Is that a cadence sensor on your chain stay? If so you need a coffee machine serving lattes at the end of your rides
. Schnitzel and beer or me
Think he lost it at Red Hill recently, along with his trued wheel set...
The cadence sensor is all Mark Fenner's fault. 60-70rpm seated climbs for 6 minutes+ are mountain bikings equivalent of waterboarding. Argh I hate them
The really annoying thing is, they work. Grrrr... lol!
Yeah, Red Hill. What can i say... i really enjoyed taking my bike for a walk
I need a bigger bike
... and some skill wouldn't hurt either
Photo was taken at Kiwarrak. Let me know your plans BF and we'll see if we can get the stars to align
" 60-70rpm seated climbs for 6 minutes+ " Keep that up and you end up being a life support system for set of big quads!
Actually it's the glutes that suffer in my case
I'll be the man with the granite butt ... if it doesn't crack and drop off first