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Rough Appin Firetrail

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 26 May 2008

Photo courtesy of Rob Parbery.

Appears in: 2008 WWS - Appin, Appin
evan's picture

That's the section I OTBed on. Sad
Bit further to the left and a bit further down tho.

ar_junkie's picture

To the bike (and I suppose the rider...)?

Caro's picture

Can we go there for a ride another time or is the area only open for the races?
Looks great! Laughing out loud

evan's picture

Brake levers bent and snapped match maker...
Oh and to me ego, and few scrapes and bruises.

Alysum's picture

this section is damn rough ! a bit further up the trail there is a very short single track where this fire trail goes left (coming down), well yesterday I went on it and did a big OTB Sad just at the bottom of a tiny drop where the single track rejoins the trail is a big mud pool - so front wheel got stuck in then, you know the rest... Front + ear cuts & broken helmet Laughing out loud hope no-one got OTB today at the club race ! I will inspect it beforehand for the group ride in august ! Smiling


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