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Trailer going begging

christine's picture

By christine - Posted on 10 May 2009

pikey's picture

the floor area?
4 X 5 ?

Is it registed?



The Liver is Evil and must be punished Sticking out tongue

christine's picture

The trailer is 6ft wide x 10ft long (tray size).

Light metal floor, not registered. Needs electrical work for lights.

FREE to a good home.

PERFECT for Liam and Co I was thinking... Smiling

Paul's picture

The perfect size for a camper trailer to take to race weekends - I'm seeing foldout tarp, fridge, kitchenette, bike rack and entertainment area.

Now all we need is someone with a 4 Wheel drive to tow it and plenty of time on there hands to fit it out.

Bernd's picture

for Pikey..... he must hate that Bricklayer by now!!

Paul's picture

Bernd you are a genius

christine's picture

can help .. we could make it the 'boys between jobs' project - Chris S what about you too?

pikey's picture

....of the trailer the more I think the milk crates holding it up would be stronger to put our bikes in Sticking out tongue

As for you all looking for a person with free time on their hands I'm attending an interview tomorrow for a position at 7 as the head of internal audit, seams easy enough to do Eye-wink

Christine, where is the trailer residing? Thanks.

Thinking Smiling


Paul's picture

Damn, so that's why they are sending me to Perth tomorrow!

christine's picture

the trailer is residing at St Ives.. however, Trev is so keen to find it a good home I believe he wiould even deliver it to the right home... Smiling

Rob's picture

Ditty... take this will you... and store it in your back yard we all know you've got enough room. Then get a towbar fitted on your car, how cool would that be? Smiling

christine's picture

i had in mind - then he and Gilbo can shuttle to their hearts content...

pikey's picture

Ok Christine, I'll pick it up and turn it into a NoBMoB mobile!

Send me some details please.


The seller is persuasive and must be punished Sticking out tongue

christine's picture

Trevor is most pleased - it's here with me at work...I'll see you at the ride tonight yes and give you all the details.. told him nobmob was the way to go!!! Smiling

Alysum's picture

Would be to spray paint the whole trailer in site-red (or Pikey's new fav t-shirt colour Pink?) then the logo in White - how cool would that look Smiling


shano's picture

When can I move in! Eye-wink

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