You are hereLighting / Rob's Homemade LEDs (MK1)
Rob's Homemade LEDs (MK1)

Two, 8 cell NiMH battery packs behind supply 19.2v. These are 4/3C size or something. Switch at back is on/off, switch on side is 3 position dimmer.
For a sense of scale, enclosure is 84x53x30mm and fits very easily in palm of my hand.
Don't worry about the apparent ill fitting of the lenses - they will be sealed in when a final decision on diffusers is made.
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Hi Rob
Nice and neat LED light
Been thinking about doing one of these myself
A few questions:
1. What optical lens/angles/diffusers are you using, and also about the cooling/focusing issues?
2. Have you got a pic of the actual light in action?
3. What's the weight of the battery pack?
Really interested in building one like yours and possible a smaller one for helmet too
What you see in this pic is outer two have 16 degree diffuser, inner two have 8 degree. If you remove the diffuser from any you get 6 degree spot.
I don't have any decent scales, but these batteries (they are 3300mAh NiMH) weigh in around 400g each at least. Pretty heavy, but they'll be in a backpack so no drama.
Pics of this in action and a full build write up is coming... stay tuned.
Geez, don't you guys have jobs? Or watch sports on the TV like other people?
Rob, this looks like you have way too much time on your hands. Obviously crossword puzzles have never interested you.
Thats some serious lighting power mate
I will bring the guns....when do you want to shoot some Roos!