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19th hole Lines
As discussed:
I think someone needs to take an aerial photo of the 19th hole and mark what the lines are because I think there is some confusion (in my head at least) as to what all of these line are.
I'm pretty sure there are 4 lines A, B, C and D.
A - Ride straight off the top and land about 6' below narrowly missing the bushes and death.
B - Hard left and down the steep rock face, narrowly missing death. Doable but hard IMO.
C - Hard right then left down a rock face and down to the drop off. My usual line.
D - Hard right, then all the way to the end and around the rock and down to the drop off.
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The roll-off at the top of the A line is now overgrown.
The second roll-off midway down the B line where you have to stay hard to the left (about where the B is on the diagram) has had the rock ramp removed from the bottom. This leaves a very tricky 50cm wheel-catcher drop to the rock platform.
It looks like these rocks have been moved to partially fill the gap to the left of the very last rock roll-down onto the clay pan... Why you would want to do that has me confused - trying to ride that line strikes me as a great place to whack your rear derailleur and bend the hanger.