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"Hidden Valley" at Coolah (Snow Gum Pass)

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
You may choose to go down here flat out ?...we should be able to winch you out of the gully...providing you're not completely entangled in the elephant carcasses !!
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this place looks great ! is i open for riding outside events?
Hi craked, unfortunately, not at this stage. The track's not quite's on private property with a locked gate...that's what makes it such a great guns, pig dogs or won't find a cigarette butt, let alone a drink can. The bloke that owns it is very community minded & if the event on the 16th Sept is successful & is of benefit to the community, I'm confident we'll be able to use it at other times during the year in the future. I'll do my best to tempt you here in Sept with some more photos in the coming days/weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love motorbikes, I've got a few's just that when they're coming at you flatout & sideways in a cloud of dust...well, it can put you off a bit !!