You are here"Hidden Valley" at Coolah / "Hidden Valley" at Coolah

"Hidden Valley" at Coolah

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
1 for 2.1km (9%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
2 for 23km (91%)
NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.

"Hidden Valley" at Coolah Gallery

N.B. The "Hidden Valley" trail is on private property & the current agreement with the landowner is that it will only be used on the "Hidden Valley Classic" race day. Unfortunately, the area is frequently used (without consent) by hunters with high powered rifles, crossbows, pig dogs etc. & at this point in time it is considered too dangerous for general trail ridng. Any unauthorised use by mountain bikers could jeopardise the current arrangement.

Meeting Point: 

Coolah Sport & Recreation Ground (3k south of Coolah) on Leadville/Dunedoo Rd.

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Full Description: 

Wind it up down the Goat Track & plough headfirst into a wombat hole...scare the hell out of yourself as well as the wombats. Maybe you'd prefer a leisurely cruise down Kangaroo Boulevard, perhaps have your thrill on Stringybark Hill, whistle down Black Pine Alley...scatter the wallabies on Piccaninny Ridge ? Whatever your style, it's an exilarating ride through an unspoilt won't disappoint.

The course is 90% singletrack with rugged ridges, thick forest, dry gullies, sheep paddocks, smooth firetrail, grassland & more. It's predominately smooth & flowing on hardpacked sandy soil...not too dusty, nor muddy if wet. Besides 5,487 trees, there may be kangaroos, goats, wallabies, echidnas, feral pigs, goannas, banshees, & possibly an idiot in a white ute...all to be avoided. The track is 100% rideable for the average rider, not intimidating or too extreme...but don't worry, you'll know you've done it !!

Start/finish at Coolah Recreation Ground (toilets/power/water) 3k south of Coolah on the Leadville/Dunedoo Rd, with plenty of grassy campsites.


Unlimited camping next to the track with showers/toilets/water. Accom & all services in town (3ks)

Facilities/Points of Interest

There's plenty of parking at Coolah sport & recreation ground, around 3km South of Coolah.

Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
Coolah Hidden Valley 8 years 27 weeks ago

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