You are hereBobbin Head / Bobbin Head

Bobbin Head

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
7 for 7.6km (95%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
1 for 0.1km (2%)
1 for 0.2km (3%)

Bobbin Head Gallery

Very easy fire trail along the ridge top with a couple of fast downhill sections if you're up to it, this is perfect for the absolute beginner.

Meeting Point: 

There's a car park by the Spinx Memorial just inside Ku-ring-gai national park (adjoining North Turramurra), or don't drive through the gates to avoid NP fees.

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Full Description: 

Bobbin Head itself is at the end of a firetrail of the same name (Bobbin Head Track). From North Turramurra this is a very leisurely ride North. If you're just getting into MTB then this is ideal - it's flat and wide and a nice gravel like surface to ride on. The only thing to worry about here really is the North end where there's a steep descent. In fact, if you don't like the sound of what's about to come maybe turning round here is best. That would be a shame though as the marina and small grassy area by Foleys Bay at the bottom makes a very nice rest stop.

Trouble here is that despite what might be marked on the map, the firetrail is not accessible (least when we were last there) all the way down to the bay - there were locked gates right by where the hike-a-bike section splits off on our map. If the gates are still locked then carry your bike down the hike-a-bike for a few hundred metres, being very careful on the rocky path along the way.

Until they've repaired the fire damage to the marina and reopen the hiking trail, don't bother hiking your bike down - it's all fenced off and you simply can't get through.

Once here, the easy option is to ride back along Bobbin Head Road which makes the climb very gradually - or the tough route is back up that hike and hill - phew!

A couple of nice side trails are here too which can add some nice views or more speedy firetrail descents:

Jacob Track

This is a short (800m one way) out and back to the East of the main firetrail, parting from that about 600m on from the Sphinx Track. Some nice leafy views towards Terrey Hills/Duffys Forest marred only by power pylons.

Spinx Track

This one's a rather short (around 1400m one way) out and back, again to the East of Bobbin Head track, very close to the Southern end of there. In fact, if parking at the car park you'll probably ride on Spinx to reach the main trail. Heading East on Spinx is always good fun - weather from the car park or the top junction with Bobbin Head - as it's rather steel downhill in that direction. Just remember that what goes down must come back up. Sadly there's no view to speak of at the end of here despite looking that way on the map.

Talking of maps here - on the topo one it also looks like one can fork left down the Spinx walking track, skirt along the waters edge, and end up at the Bobbin Head marina that way. Sadly not - the top of that walking track has it clearly marked as a no-cycle zone. We met a local here who also confirmed that route isn't really worth a look in any event as the track is pretty nasty and not really rideable.

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