You are hereBlackbutt Reserve - Killara / Blackbutt Reserve - Killara

Blackbutt Reserve - Killara

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
1 for 2.4km (94%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
1 for 0.2km (6%)

Blackbutt Reserve - Killara Gallery

A short aerobic out and back workout in a shady valley.

Meeting Point: 

End of Spencer Rd, Killara

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Full Description: 

One end is the end of Spencer Rd Killara, the other is Vale St Gordon.

From the Killara end, follow the walking track down beside the golf course, take the side track left just after the bridge. Head downhill on the fire trail.

At the bottom is a link across the creek to Lady Game Drive. Its a reasonably safe and easy ride up Lady Game Drive for about 300 m from there to Lane Cove Rd (Ryde Rd) and the entrance to the LCNP upstream of De Burgh's Bridge.

The Blackbutt trail heads uphill just after that turn off, with the steepest pinch first. The trail then meanders upstream to Vale Rd, Gordon. A walking track crosses the trail along this stretch, with a hike a bike up to Kiparra St Gordon. From there, you can link across to Yanko Rd and another fire trail that runs down into LCNP.

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