You are hereOld Bulga Road (Milbrodale) / Old Bulga Road (Milbrodale)

Old Bulga Road (Milbrodale)

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
1 for 21km (100%)

Old Bulga Road (Milbrodale) Gallery

Nice fire trail with a couple of massive climbs. First climb is a killer! 200m vertical in 2K's. After that the trail is similar to Terry Hills Perimeter and Long.

Meeting Point: 

Corner Milbrodale Road & Putty Road

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Full Description: 

Nice fire trail with a couple of massive climbs. First climb is a killer! 200m vertical in 2K's. After that the trail is similar to Terry Hills Perimeter and Long but with a little more climbing.

From the base of the 1st climb to Putty Road is about 20k's. So a good 40K out and back and ends up being around 1000M vertical.

Of course the great thing about that initial 200M in 2K's climb is riding back down. Be careful though... it's steep and you can get a LOT of hang time of the water bars!!

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