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Lake Parramatta Reserve

Lake Parramatta Reserve Gallery

A short loop can be had in the reserve here.

Meeting Point: 

Main reserve carpark. Illawong Drive, North Parramatta.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.
Full Description: 

This is a stub entry... we know there are trails here, but not much about them. Feel free to update with more info if you have it.

Draft Lake Parramatta Reserve Plan of Management Update - 21 December 2011

I refer to previous correspondence in relation to your submission during the recent public exhibition of the draft Lake Parramatta Reserve Plan of Management (POM).

Council endorsed the amended draft POM at their ordinary meeting on 12 December 2011 to guide the future management and development of the reserve. In recognising the demand for mountain biking opportunities, the amended POM allows for non-motorised bike access on the existing eastern fire trail to provide links into larger adjoining bushland reserves whilst minimising disturbance to endangered species and ecological communities within the reserve.

A significant number of submissions were received during the public exhibition period advocating for dedicated mountain bike trails in the reserve. These were reviewed and considered in conjunction with the overall assessment of all submissions. However Council considers that cycling and mountain bike use of trails within this bushland reserve should be restricted as outlined above in view of:

  • the small size, nature, location and topography of the reserve (it was declared a Fauna Sanctuary in 1960 and a recent fauna survey identified 200 native flora species and 75 native fauna species);
  • Consistency with the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) Sustainable Mountain Biking Strategy which states that ‘mountain-biking single-track will continue to be prohibited in nature reserve and wilderness areas as it is inconsistent with the management principles of these areas’;
  • it is acknowledged that such facilities are available to cyclists within a reasonable distance to other Sydney suburbs such as Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai Councils. These sites have been established in former quarries or land fill areas, are not within high quality remnant bushland areas with threatened native species or contain Aboriginal heritage sites, as is the case for Lake Parramatta Reserve.

To minimise cost and environmental impacts, the provision of additional formalised carparking has been reconfigured to the existing grassed overflow parking area at the corner of Bourke and Lackey Streets whilst allowing for additional bus parking close to amenities within the reserve. The draft POM also incorporates a number of minor amendments recommended from submissions received during the exhibition period.

Council also resolved that an additional ‘Environmental Protection’ purpose be assigned under the Crown Lands Act 1989 to reflect the natural and cultural heritage significance of the reserve. The draft POM will now be submitted to the Minister for Primary Industries recommending it be adopted under the Crown Lands Act 1989.

Once the POM has been adopted, copies will be available at Council libraries and on the Parramatta City Council website at On behalf of Council I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your interest and valuable input during the development of the POM.

Yours sincerely

Neville Davis
Acting Manager City Assets & Environment

Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
13 years 40 weeks ago
Lake Parramatta 14 years 24 weeks ago

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