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Clarinda St

Clarinda St Gallery

Clarinda St to Galston Rd. Western side of Hornsby Plateau

A fast, in parts technical, mostly downhill fire trail which can be linked to the nearby Quarry Road Track or done on its own for a 10 or so kilometer loop, including some road linkage. Has some steep climbs, though there aren't any nearly as long as in QRT. One advantage to the track is that there are numerous exit points along the way if needed.

Meeting Point: 

End of Clarinda Street, Hornsby. (Though if you're combining with Quarry Rd, start at the end of Stewart Ave)

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Full Description: 

Though not an amazing track by any means, it is a nice ride for a local firetrail with some nice views into Berowra Valley.

Starting at the end of Clarinda St, ride back up to Galston Rd, turning left Rosamond St (2nd left) Turn next right at Ethel St, then left again at Galston Road. Head along it for several kilometres, past the traffic light. Galston Road descends steeply into the gorge, and the houses end. Stop when you get to the last house on the right side of the road, turning left into the fire trail. Ride slightly uphill, turning second left 300m away. It continues upward for 100m or so before another intersection, where you go straight (Though you can go left which will intersect a little later). The first downhill begins - Several corners before another intersection just near Galston Road. Turn right and continue downward. The left hand side is quite eroded, so take care here - the right side is the go. After this fun downward blast before undulating for a kilometre or so before reaching a gate on a private road. At the beginning of this road, turn right (downhill)... you should avoid going up the hill on the Outlook at all costs!

After viewing Berowra Valley at the side of the road (you can catch glimpses of the Quarry Road Track), continue along the Outlook to the end, where there is another gate. The track flows in a downward direction for a kilometre or so. Again, the right hand side is generally better. This is personally my favourite part. You will soon reach a very steep uphill, which I have respect for anyone who can ride. At the first corner where the track veers left, go right, where you will see a narrow sniggle.

The singletrack heads for 300m or so, before coming back to the firetrail. Be sure you turn left at the rocky shelf, or you'll be wondering where the trail is. Turning right (left takes you up a steeeeeeeep climb to Rofe Park) takes you down a steep cemented hill immediately followed by a steep ascent. Another descent followed by another steep ascent before it flattens out for a kilometre or so. Yet another descent-steep ascent, followed by a couple hunderd metres of flatness before returning to Clarinda St.

If you're not tired, why not add another 15km and head behind the backs of houses to the end of Stewart Ave, where you can enjoy (and loathe the uphills in) the infamous Quarry Road Track? Hornsby Hts is also host of some other trails (which I'll let you know about soon Smiling )


Tap Rofe Park, Several shops at the Crescent Centre, though nothing out on the track.

Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
Clarinda Track Friday evening 14 years 6 weeks ago

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