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North Turramurra

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
13 for 15km (78%)
1 for 0.6km (3%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
3 for 2.5km (13%)
Single Track - Exposed:
1 for 0.8km (4%)
1 for 0.4km (2%)

North Turramurra Gallery

Fire trail with some single track options, linking the Murrua Track at North Turramurra with the Grosvenor Track at North Wahroonga.

Meeting Point: 

West end of Murrua Rd, North Turramurra

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Full Description: 

This area has some relatively new fire trail which links other bits that have been around for years.

There would be several different ways to ride it, but here's one suggested route:

Starting at the Murrua Rd (North Turramurra) end, turn left at the inner gate and run along the back of the aged care facility. Cross the grassy area (careful at the other side - deep trench as at Oct 09) and follow the grass along the back of the houses to the trail head at the north end of Stonecrop Rd. Turn right down the hill. As you start the first little uphill section, you'll notice a small ramp up onto the ledge above the uphill side of the road. Take that for a track along the pipeline (can be a bit muddy) or follow the fire trail down down and up some steep sections.

Where the two tracks meet up again, follow along the contour and over a concrete bridge. You've then got another choice.

Uphill takes you onto the track from Samuel King Oval and again follows the pipeline. It too can be a bit muddy in places. At the foot of the second section of concrete on the hill up to Samuel King Oval, take the single track that runs upstream (right). Its a relatively new bit of track and is a little indistinct in places, especially if the scrub turkeys have been pushing the leaves around. The single track eventually comes out near the McRae Place trackhead. Head down the concrete slope here, across Lovers Jump Ck and follow the fire trail to the next intersection, where you rejoin the main firetrail.

If you didn't go uphill after the bridge, the main trail meanders along the valley side for a while, before dropping down to a crossing of Lovers Jump Ck and a sharp little climb back up to a T intersection.

Turn right here (or continue on the level if you've come the other way). Head on through the old quarry area and along some fast fire trail before the steep climb up to Golden Jubilee Oval. At the top of the climb, there is a techy single track loop which goes out to the end of the ridge to the right. The entrance is under the big flame tree.

After a rest and / or a bit of sniggle, head on down the other side. Did I say steep? Cross another concrete bridge, ignore the cross roads, keeping straight ahead and continue around the end of the Cliff Oval ridge. A walking track from the oval crosses the fire trail. After a short descent, turn left at the bottom. This trail leads up to Lister St, but you should then turn right and drop down to the creek, before another steep climb brings you out near the trackhead at Barton Crescent. Turn right onto this trail and meander down to some more old quarry areas, past the bottom end of a couple of (probably illegal) downhill tracks, then up another steep pinch onto Grosvenor St. There are some jump tracks in an old quarry area just back up Grosvenor on the eastern side.

The Grosvenor Track trackhead is about 50 m down Grosvenor St from where the fire trail emerges. About 100 m in there is a bit of single track off to the left which peters out into a walking track down into Cockle Ck. The main fire trail runs for a couple of km's out to the start of the Gibberagong Walking Track down to Bobbin Head. Not one for the bikes unless you like carrying them long distances.

You've reached the western end of the track, so unless you've organised a car drop, it's time to ride back. If you've run out of hill legs, you could head back on tar via Grosvenor St, Burns Rd and Bobbin Head Rd. If you want to explore further, take the options you didn't take on the way out. If you've still got legs back at Murrua Rd, there's plently of fire trail and a few single track side tracks to explore there before packing up and heading home.


Water should be available at Golden Jubilee oval and there are shops in Bobbin Head Rd at North Turramurra and in Hampden Ave Wahroonga, about half a km from Golden Jubilee.

Hot Lap Challenges Here
Challenge Distance
Golden Jubilee Flow Hot Lap 0.78Km
Past & Future Ride Meetings Here
Title When
Golden Jubilee Mountain Bike Park Grand Opening 13 years 23 weeks ago
Wahroonga Trailbusters 14 years 28 weeks ago
Sydney Spring Fat Tyre Festival - 8 1/4 hrs of Power 17 years 18 weeks ago

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