thats 12.7 kg's on a 20inch wheel with no suspension and no disks!!!! and i thought the bloody things were soooo light! thank god for modern technology!
Do you remember them? I have a set of black 20" ones on the Moosegoose at the moment. I wouldn't mind a set of 26" tuffs for my Reign. I wounder if they still make them. Beats getting buckles!
A couple of mates and i had the debate about tuffs a few weeks back
can any one confirm the myth of putting a buckled tuff in the freezer and having it go back to its original shape ??????????????
Might have to scan and upload a photo mum has of me and my little bro on BMX's in the early 80's. I rem my little bro had all Shimano running gear, and super light rims. His BMX was much lighter... even after i removed every reflector, pad and the front brakes off mine. Little bro's are spoilt.
Can't say it doesn't work. You just might have to explain why the frozen corn dogs are on the counter.
The method we use here at Skyway is a hot water bath. Seems to work better and easier on the kitchen. We put the wheel suspended in the hottest water you can get out of the faucet. Let the wheel sit in the hot bath for about 40 minutes..wheel should be just like new after that.
The bodywarmer... no BMX bandit should be without one ;-}
Embarrassingly mine was even less cool than his, and my paper round wages wouldn't stretch to a spiffing checked shirt neither.
thats 12.7 kg's on a 20inch wheel with no suspension and no disks!!!! and i thought the bloody things were soooo light! thank god for modern technology!
.. they could be Araya 7X Rims?
I have this book at home:
It has your Mongoose as an example in it.
Do you remember them? I have a set of black 20" ones on the Moosegoose at the moment. I wouldn't mind a set of 26" tuffs for my Reign. I wounder if they still make them. Beats getting buckles!
A couple of mates and i had the debate about tuffs a few weeks back
can any one confirm the myth of putting a buckled tuff in the freezer and having it go back to its original shape ??????????????
Might have to scan and upload a photo mum has of me and my little bro on BMX's in the early 80's. I rem my little bro had all Shimano running gear, and super light rims. His BMX was much lighter... even after i removed every reflector, pad and the front brakes off mine. Little bro's are spoilt.
Don't know if it worked but I now remember hearing that story as well
Was always the catch cry. i don't know anyone who actually tried it.
Skyway still do them and I could not find any mention of putting bent ones into a freezer
i have emailed them the question to see if they can answer it
check out the pamphlets on their site too
what were we thinking
got the official repla from Skyway on tuffs
Can't say it doesn't work. You just might have to explain why the frozen corn dogs are on the counter.
The method we use here at Skyway is a hot water bath. Seems to work better and easier on the kitchen. We put the wheel suspended in the hottest water you can get out of the faucet. Let the wheel sit in the hot bath for about 40 minutes..wheel should be just like new after that.
Parrey Cremeans
V.P. Sales and Marketing
Skyway Machine, Inc.
who knew it may have actually worked
good to see you got a response. It was a talked about concept at my local track (25 years ago) too.