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Taskled MaxFlex

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 07 March 2009

This is a TaskLED MaxFlex boost driver. It's about 25mm diameter and needs about 7mm depth to clear all components on both sides.

The lump of aluminium next to it (is 3mm thick, BTW) will be glued (with Artic Silver Thermal Epoxy) to the aluminium that the LEDs will be glued to (also with Artic Silver). The MaxFlex has a temperature sensor that reduces LED current if things get too hot - very nice touch.

Stuart M's picture

area of that gold pad to make sure you heat sink the Maxflex properly. These things can get bloody hot. You might be better of with some al angle cut and fixed like in step 18 here

Let there be light

Rob's picture

The alu. in the photo is only stood up like that to get it in the pic. For assembly it will be rotated 90 degrees so the whole of the gold area will be covered by the 'tab' sticking out.

Stuart M's picture

Let there be light

lozza6's picture

does this mean our stuff has arrived?

When can I come to collect? Laughing out loud

Rob's picture

Sticking out tongue

lozza6's picture

what e-mail?

I need to pay you too!

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