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Clean up Old Mans Valley

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 01 July 2011

Sunday, 24 July, 2011 - 09:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

Fire trail gate Quarry Rd Hornsby (just off Dural St).

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As discussed... there will be a clean up day at Old Mans Valley prior to the pros coming in to build some trails Smiling

Start time 9.30 am meeting at Fire trail gate Quarry Rd Hornsby of Dural St. TORC are providing a BBQ Lunch.

Who's in?
shano, Noel, nrthrnben, Tristania, peddling home, jonob (6 riders)
shano Noel nrthrnben Tristania peddling home jonob
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

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nrthrnben's picture

Can you come and help?

shano's picture

out riding the gorge the same morning. but will head straight round to do my bit for the clean up! Smiling

peddling home's picture

Start time 9.30 am meeting at Fire trail gate Quarry Rd Hornsby of Dural St. TORC are providing a BBQ Lunch.

Tristania's picture

I'm pretty busy studying for my exams that day, but I'm determined to spend at least a little time doing my part. I'll see how it goes!

jonob's picture

its going to be wet and muddy

nrthrnben's picture

Can they confirm that this is still on, and what we should bring?

peddling home's picture

If its not raining the clean up will be on.
If raining will be postponed to a date to be announced.
Please bring gloves and wear sturdy shoes and good spirits

Noel's picture

Looks like it will be on to me:

I'd recommend gumboots (or bringing a pair in the car) if you have some, and a light rain coat thing. This aint riding, think walking in wet ferns/grass, and through wet branches, trees moving overhead dropping water etc. Should be tops. TORC are putting on a BBQ I heard. It's a really nice valley if you have never seen it, and right next to the 'cooler' part of Hornsby (the "Western Precinct").

There is a stack of crap scattered about. Shopping trollies, bits of plastic, milk crates, bits of hose, stuff like that. Somebody even found a historic "head" off a statue from the historic cemetery while poking about. The local historians put an article in the paper. MTB'ers find historic tombstone head.

My number is in my profile if you get lost or something. Craig (above) is the organiser, but I'll be there too.

Bring gloves, and good spirits! Cya there

ChopStiR's picture

How did this event go? Very keen to hear the results!

nrthrnben's picture

We certainly had our work cut out for us, there was much more rubbish in the valley then I'm sure most expected.
HSMBA did a great job at managing the Cleanup, they and about 40 volunteers(men women and children) made it a succes.

It was amazing how much rubbish was hauled off the hill and out of the valley!

The teams came across many unused homeless shacks, and they all had to go.
Beds,Tin roofs,Trolleys,Eskys,Guttering,Bottles,Cans,Tyres,Reo,Signs,Tents,Tarps and an old School Skateboard where just a few of the items pulled out of the hillsides.

The street above looked like a Mosman chuckout when we where done,and we got some good photos for the media Smiling

It was hard work, but it was well worth doing and the bush is much better for it.

Big thanks to TORC for the Barby!

Cant wait for the trail building Smiling

Noel's picture

Tonight we sorted it out a bit more prior to disposal. Ended up with:
1 Van of recyclables (mostly glass bottles). Craig is taking that to the cycling depot.
2 Skips (from DATS) of mixed land fill waste. DATS is taking this away.
1 Massive pile of scrap metal (about the size of a 4WD). We are about to ring a scrap metal merchant to come take it.
1 Huge pile of mattresses (about the size of a sedan). Apparently these have a higher disposal fee so we are looking at the options with them.

Thanks for all the help on Sunday. We were talking tonight about how enthusiastic and upbeat everybody was on the day, and hard everybody worked to bring that stuff up out of the valley. TORC's BBQ was also highly appreciated. It's been a real community experience. I had council environment division ringing me about something today and I mentioned the cleanup to the lady I was talking with and was told some of the senior officers are totally stoked with the efforts.

peddling home's picture

Thanks to all that turned up and helped out in total 46 people. TORC put on a great BBQ lunch.
Over 10 cubic mtres of rubbish 1.5 cubs of bottles, scrap metal huge pile and every seemed to have fun.
Still can not believe how much everyone did and removed.
Many Thanks again Craig

nrthrnben's picture

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