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Checkmate's blog

Better than expected:)
Pretty pleased with the result and the whole experience. We took it seriously enough, still not forgetting to enjoy (almost:) every lap. Big CONGRATULATIONS to Iam for the fastest lap on the team + finishing 5 laps altogether with his broken wrist and fancy orange plaster!

broken chain on the 1st km :)
Yeah, I've never even had a puncture while racing (right, I haven't done that much). This year, I broke my chain on the first km! Had a chain breaker and quick link with me, but after playing with it for 10mins gave up and pushed the bike back to finish area to have it fixed:( (Hans, thanks for showing me the other day how it's done. I'll pay more attention next time. Still owe you a quick link - an extra one is in my Camelback for you. Hope to catch up with you soon!)

hour and half late for start:(
Had to show up at a party on FR night (good it was) and overslept, got a bit lost on the way there,... jadajadajada jumped on my bike 1.5hour after start. Liked the track, and laid back atmosphere!! Lost 3 teeth on my middle ring in the first lap:( Riding on the big guy for 6 hours, then a little granny took over. Also, haven't had my light fully recharged, so guess what - pitch black no warning, bit of a tumble in the woods, but I deserved it. Luckily had my spare light that got me through the rest of the evening. Loved every minute of it!!

1st time clipped in
Hey everyone!
Sorry I couldn't catch up with you all the night before. Got there past midnight and went straight away to my sleeping bag.
After an overwhelming experience from Angry Doctor, I took it a bit easier. 1st time ever (apart from WED's 1 lap of the dam) clipped in:)
Should improve my paddling skills on a flat road, everyone zoomed past me.

Can't believe it!
Hey guys, it's Tony .... 7:28 what a race! Can't believe I finished, couldn't tear off the wrapper from muesli bar on 80th km:) That's how much I had it!