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Blades_Utd's blog

Convict 100 2016 - It was as a late decision - but in the end a good one
As much as I enjoy the Convict I was in 2 minds whether to enter this year. Since completing the Pioneer, and then wrongly deciding to race the Willo a couple of weeks later, I've not really been motivated to train or race. 9 days in UK/France over Easter, and 60 hours of travel in a short time frame, was hard on my body and I returned from that trip feeling very tired and jetlagged.

The Pioneer - 7 days in New Zealand, a beautiful country that makes for a brutal test
There were times that I actually thought I would be better off sat at my desk at work……luckily hindsight is a wonderful thing and I can now say that the time I spent in New Zealand’s South Island, racing the inaugural Pioneer stage race, with friends and newly made friends, in an amazing environment, and enjoying the hospitality and culture was full of unforgettable moments and enjoyment.

Convict 100 2015
Hard to believe that this was my 6th time racing the Convict, where does the time go!
Just prior to the original date of this race I spent 2 weeks in Europe, snowboarding and belatedly celebrating my 40th birthday. That 2 weeks, as enjoyable as it was, had set me back in terms of training and readiness for the original date and so I wasn’t unhappy when the event was cancelled due to the storms that we had at the time.
Fast forward a few months and training had been going well despite very limited time on the MTB due to the run of wet weather.

James Williamson Enduro 2015
The family and friends of James Williamson, who sadly passed away whilst competing in the Cape Epic, have been the driving force behind this event since it’s inception, and they must be given credit for doing a wonderful job. I have race the Willo nearly every year since it was first organised, sadly missing out last year as my car didn't make it to Wingello so had to turn for home before making the start line. I had an added incentive this year as it was the day I turned 40, and was racing in the highly competitive Masters category.

Not a good way to finish the last Capital Punishment
Sadly the last Capital Punishment didn't go to plan at ALL! And even though this isn't really a race report as it was a DNF there is a story behind it.

Highland Fling 2014 - how hard can it be?
I’m not sure really where to start with this write up as I have mixed feelings about this year’s Fling, both of satisfaction on the outcome and the lingering sensations of pain in my legs that caused it.
Last year I finished the race in 5:23 and in 33rd in category (vets), this year I rode about 1 minute quicker and finished 2nd (for the last time in vets), I think this goes to show the toughness of the route changes in 2014 – the race simply felt hard, from beginning to end.

Singletrack Mind Round 3 Awaba - Solo Open 4 hour
The Chocolate Foot events are always a lot of fun, good atmosphere, good people and excellently organised and supported. Round 3 of the 2014 Singletrack Mind series took place at Awaba, a trail that I’ve raced a couple of times as part of a team of 3, however this year I was riding the Open Solo Men’s for the SXC Racing team, a solo effort for the first time!

Good day at the Convict
Where does the time go? It doesn't feel like a year since we were last lining up in St Albans for this great race. A few different faces this time around however, sadly no Brian or Dicko, but Phil B, Minter and Chitts were all back having missed out last year for various reasons.

Capital Punishment 2014
This being my first time at CP I wasn't sure what to expect. Knowing that there was an untimed section and unsure how tough the climbs were, I went in with a little trepidation, but as well informed as I could be based on conversations with friends (Brian, Dicko, Dave, Minter, etc etc). A drive down on Friday afternoon soon went awry as traffic was as bad as I've experienced (when will i learn!). Met DoC at registration, had dinner and did the car drop off.

Tough old day at the Fling
I came into this event feeling relatively positive, whilst I don't follow a training plan I felt stronger than last year, and riding with the Sxc Racing boys in the lead up to the race I seemed to be going ok. A week in Brisbane for work before the event meant I was at least rested.
I wasn't too worried about the rain and tried to stay positive as the forecasts turned from biblical, to torrential, to rain periods, then a chance of it holding off in the morning.