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Bruce's blog

fun fun fun
Probably the most relaxed 100km event I have done. I really enjoyed the ride I think mostly because I had no expectations other than to finish & under 7 hours if possible.
For the first time ever I didn't suffer from massive back pain which was great.
My only drama for the day was my rear brake completely failing in the first 10km, but it didn't really matter & made some of the descents a little more interesting.
All in all I was very happy & a little surprised to do a personal best of 6:16:09

Top work by all
It was very nice seeing so many nobmobbers out on the trail & having a quick chat. Damien was the first to come past on his single speed, then Deano caught up to me before we traded places off & on all day, next I caught up to Critty who didn't look very well, full credit to him for finishing. At the 50k stop I had a quick chat to Ladytoast before heading off. In the last 50 Deano & I traded position a couple more times until I caught Mick with about 3km to go. Completing a ride like this is so much easier with familiar faces about, well done to all.