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Flynny's blog

Old Skool cool
With all these new fangled purpose built trails popping up I can't help but thinking I like the old stuff better than the new stuff.
Sure bike park style trails are fun and there's a lot to say about modern sustainable building techniques but old skool trails can be sustainable, challenging and so much more rewarding.
Take the mount York trails. Purpose built for horse and cart in the early 1800s by convict labour and still some of the best mountain bike trails in the country.
Coxes rd, Built in 1813.

Rydal ramblings
It's a funny thing this racing caper. There's a whole bunch of stuff you have to get right for it to come together and the mind ply funny trick on you.
I went into last years 8hr at Rydal feeling reasonably fit. Lots of casual riding under my belt backed by a good lead in of regular Tuesday night races had me in good stead. Got a good start and went steadily down hill, cramping bad by the end of the day.

newtons Nation vids
Couple of little vids from the weekend
Mine (it's rough)

Videos from Lithgow state Champs
Here my vid.
Bit rough as I had a lot to do over the weekend
And race run helmet cam by michael goss

Ever had
... one of those days when you just feel off your game and are just not riding as well as you know you can?
We headed out for our usual Tuesday night ride, only two of us and Austo had to head of early so we decided on a fast and furious lap up Hassans and down the old DH track.
Got to the top OK, puffing and panting but feeling pretty good. Set the helmet cam and set off after Austo. Was struggling a bit to stay on line, bounced my battery out of it's holder, stopped to refit it and then caught back up, Austo had stopped to wait for me.

Ok bit of building went on over the weekend here is a bit of DH, a bit of Fire trail and a bit of XC

Bit of riding on Saturday
Skinny was acting a moving tripod. It was over cast when we started but then the sun popped out so the light is a bit harsh in places, I need to make up a flare guard or sumthink. (~45meg)

Another Tuesday night special
Ok, sure there was frost forming on the ground as we rode but crystal clear skyes, good company, new toys and more new Single trail... What more does a guy need