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muffo's blog

Blue band of shame
First 100k outing and it kind of went to plan, insofar as I expected it to be tough, for my back to cramp up and for it generally to hurt a lot ..... and it delivered all that.
I was pretty happy really with how I went in the first part of the race, but after the first water stop found the rocky sections pretty tough and jarring at race pace on a hardtail. Funny how sections which seem easy when you are tootling along on a recreational ride suddenly get a whole lot tougher on race day (mental note: ride the dually next time).

Great day
What a terrific day!
Arrived early for rego on my first big organized XC race not really knowing what to expect. Nervously lined up with the first wave with the hazy strategy of hanging on with them if I could and just seeing what happened. This worked out OK until the big hill, which I walked along with pretty much everyone else. After the hill I found it hard to maintain the pace and was being passed a bit. Found my legs again after abt 25 km and it was all good from there. How much fun was that downhill!!!!