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Wolgan rail trail clean up

There has been a bit of a push to turn the old Newnes rail way from Clarence to Wolgan into a rail trail, While I think this is a good idea in principal I'm worried about dumbing the trail down. The line is long enough that I'm sure that it can include something for everyone. The final part of the ride from the bottom of the Coach rd down to the camp ground is a great ride but a little over grown at the moment so Thomas from the Newnes hotel is orgaining some clean up days to open it up.
If we can get enough riders there to help out with the work we can make sure we keep it interesting.
I have invited 6 'wwoofers' (working backpackers) from 23 Nov - 6 Dec to work on the Railtrail.
You might want to keep that in mind talking to your bikers.
The more the better
If you can help out contact Thomas newnes
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