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RealBike Insurance mtb cruise

the day started with what appeared to be set in rain but by 10 am the clouds opened and the sun shined through and made for perfect riding conditions. The 50 k race started I was in the back half of the field taking it easy getting warmed up, about half way up the first climb I found I was getting held up so I figured it was time to push on a bit I got with some blokes who were setting a comfortable pace,I felt pretty good at the end of lap 1. with less traffic the climb up the mountain was faster 2nd time but once at the top the legs were tireing,all was good for the descent back till i pushed a bit hard into a corner and lost the front, a couple of cuts on my knee and a bit of blood (stromlo rocks are sharp!) i got going again and than the cramps hit . i had to stop at the end of lap 2 and do a few stretches chew down some magnesium tablets and refill my camel back. off i went to start lap 3 i had to take it easy this time on the climb the cramps were persistant ,at the top i was in pain but had to just keep going and tell myself that its all downhill now . i made it to the finish with a time way better than my expectation I was stoked,what a great event.
- craked's blog
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