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Days 6, 7 & 8 May 07
Busy weekend, hence no posts, ahh the life of a family man with kids w/e sports and b'day parties. Diaries will be a bit lite on, I'm getting older and the memory ain't what it used to be.
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 10 push ups.
1/2 hr walk
No trainer, ride day tomorrow and wanted to "rest up" a bit
Not bad except dinner. Out at the netball with the family, real healthy choices there. Settled for a hotdog, no butter no cheese. Atleast I think there was sawdust mixed in with the fat. Can I call it carb loading for tomorrow, nuh not really.
Coffee / tea I think about as per the last few days.
Ride day
About an 1 1/2 hr in the saddle, slow progress. No juice in the legs at all today although that said I did make it up a couple of hills alot easier than usual. Really struggled on tech terrain though.
Don't remember much although I had a mates B'day on Saturday night. Had a healthy roast but then succumb to a small peice of cake (even left some of it on the plate) No nibbles, and only one glass of wine, red of course, hey pat on the back for that one.
No exercise
Family lunch, again pretty good.
First weight in, before breaky.
I need to be renamed exposed 102. Lost 3 kgs but no change to the waist dimension, think my horse theory was pretty good.
Back to the grind again tomorrow, will have to start weights soon.
Looking back not too bad. I guess I really shouldn't expect too much strength wise whilst my intake is down.
Bye for now
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