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Another great weekend

Well, just back from another fantastic weekend away with the NoBMob crew enjoying the wonderful tracks that would appear to be in abundant supply in the Coffs Harbour Region.
Got to Tien's place early, no real need for that as we had to wait for George and Mildred, late, is this a sign of things to come. Somehow we managed to squeeze luggage for four and two bikes into the Pathy and with two more bikes on the roof we set off 1/2 an hour late at 9.30 for what should be about a 6 & 1/2 hr drive north, may even get an easy spin in this arvo. Not to be, It was pushing 5.30 by the time we got to our wonderful hosts spacious abode, thanks Margaret for the hospitality, and the first of many pasta meals for the weekend.
Saturday Gary decided to head of to DH with Steve who had joined us part way for the trip north. Christine was off to shop and Tien and I decided to explore some place called Pine Creek at Shanes invite who had also arrived Friday. Haven't heard of this pine creek place I wonder where it is. Turns out its race central and we were about to explore the early stages of the race with locals Adrian and "Mark". This should be interesting, haven't been on the bike for 3 weeks and these guys look bloody fit, not only that but "Mark" is saying that Adrian is responsible for the majority of the trails in the area and the sections we are about to do will be very wet.
Wet, yes. Numerous puddles scattered along the sniggle, which is looking alot more technical than I am expecting for an xc marathon. Riding behind Tien and seeing him slide alot as he tries to avoid them I decide its safer to just ride through the middle of the puddles. It was, until about 8km in when my front wheel disappears to what feels like axle depth. Free mud pack later I'm back on the bike and trying to catch the others who by this stage were stopping alot and waiting. Get back to the cars after only about 11km and I'm not feeling so great about this whole idea. Shane has a smile free ear to ear and Tien as always is hard to read. I'm thinking there is going to be carnage tomorrow on some of the corners and unmarked jumps. Oh yeah, and I'm going to be in "a world of hurt"
We meet up with Jeff at the pub, register, pick up race packs and settle down for a lasagne lunch and another wait for Christine.
Diner with the Nobmob crew is social as always and I get a very pleasant surprise, thanks to all. I tell all of my predicted carnage and try and let them know as much as I can remember about the very tight track.
Very early start so we can get Gary there for the Open 100 which Mildred had kindly entered him in. As Rob says the delay means we were way too early. The bowl of gruel at 5 is now starting to feel gone so I'm munching on a power bar before I even start. We get to see off Gary and Lee before Tien, Christine and I head back to the car to prepare ourselves. Feeling very nervous. We eventually get to the start line, Christine and I at the rear, we have a "hare and the tortoise" plan.
That doesn't seem to last too long as I'm getting stomach cramps by about the 5km mark. I put these down to my gut not liking the gatorade I had already started to sip and the bit of PB consumed so close to the start. I stop taking these and only sip on the water. Constant, but not painful stomach cramps by the time we hit the 21km drink station. Also staring to get a mild headache. I make use of the conveniences provided. Get the bladder out of the pack to refill it and put it back a little surprised, it's still nearly 3/4 full. Hindsight would say alarm bells should have sounded about now.
We get back on after what feels like only about a 10min break and my legs are thinking we shouldn't have stopped. By now we have played tag with a couple of groups of people but I don't think we have passed too many hares. Stomach ache has gone and I'm drinking more water but little else. Within about 4 or 5 km of the stop I get severe leg cramps half way up a hill. Oh shit I think, not yet. Reluctant to have had things other than water to eat or drink up till now, I start to listen to the wise words of Christine and drink both water and the Gator, as well as having a PB gel. Now she's waiting for me, see you shouldn't have kept me waiting at the antique shop on the way up. All jokes aside, I'm very grateful for her company and advice. My cramps fade pretty quickly after the intake and we set off again. Next big hill they kick in again so its about here we decide that its time to start walking the hills, much earlier than I had hoped, but a wise decision none the less. I'm eating and more importantly drinking heaps now. We go for what feels like an hour with out seeing anyone and like Rob think we have missed the turn. I'm getting a little worried as I am now rapidly running out of water and we are not exactly sure where on the course we are. Much to our relief we round a bend half way up a hill and see the checkpoint at the top, and yes they had water.
Only about 12km to go by our calcs, the guys at the checkpoint seem very unsure saying between 10 and 15. Down some more munchies and a Power Bar shot. Feeling a little fatigued we push on. I had heard the last 10km was a downhill run so I'm thinking we should be OK. Not quite. More hills to come and whilst not as bad as the earlier ones they were still big enough to have me off and pushing. We eventually get to the junction and start to be passed by people coming in from the 100, as Rob had mentioned most of them are less than happy. I imagine I would be much the same after the torture they have been through. An almost uneventful run home and then the sweetest sound I have heard for a long while, the PA. I do have thoughts of just how far sound can travel through the bush. Much to my joy I have found some energy again and the last couple of K are fun, I even make it up the last little climb towards the finish line. Greeted at the top of the hill by the encouragment and congratulations from the NoBMobbers already finished. What a great bunch of people they all are. I slow a little so Christine and I can cross the line together. Kind of fitting after having started at this spot beside each other some 5 hours earlier.
Our time, about 5hrs start to finish, but we break Christines planned ride time of 4hrs.
Would I do it again, absolutely, despite the cramping of both the stomach and muscle kind.
Lessons learned. Lots. I need listen to others more
Thank you Christine for your company and your help. I'm honestly not sure I would have pushed on without it and I am oh so glad I did. Most of all thanks for all those little tidbits of information you shared along the way to take my mind of things.
Thanks also to this great bunch of people that are NobMob. Not just great to ride with but also to socialise with. Your support shown to each other is second to none, as evident by everyone hanging around until all of us were home, even Jeff who had a long drive to Forster and his family ahead of him. Caro, Ev and Shane top effort, FWIW I think you were all robbed, 45 mins late to start and you're stopped because you didn't get to the cut off point by the unchanged time. Top effort.
Thanks all for another great weekend.
As a bit of a post script to this tale I pulled my front wheel out of the car when I got home and went to insert the skewer I had removed to make packing a little easier. To my horror the locknut assembly fell straight off. A closer look shows that the threaded hub axle that holds the two lock nuts together has sheared through, presumably sometime race day. The powers to be certainly looked after me Sunday, seeing me home safely under what could have been very painful circumstances. Maybe I do need to buy that new wheelset sooner rather than later.
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