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Kiwarrak State Forest 6 May 2012
The ride didn't start on the best foot when I found I'd left my Camelbak with my bits and bobs, maps, pump and spare tube in Sydney.
Ah, well, I haven't had a puncture in ages and after checking the tyres there were no frayed sidewall sections and they felt like they had enough pressure. Last time I did a solo mission up here the trail was really well marked so I decided to take a risk.
So I ride up off the side of the road and discover all the signs have changed. Shoot! We have white arrows against green and blue circular backgrounds, red arrows on white, white arrows on rectangular navy blue background, and black, and purple arrows on white.
Green looks friendly so I decide to follow those. After a bit I figure out that white on green circle ain't the XC circuit I remember, so when it returns me to the car park 8km later I decide to follow up on my suspicions and do the Red loop.
I notice the old pink arrows spraypainted in the trees from last year, now looking faded but confirming I'm on the right track.
I still have a few moments of doubt though, so quite a bit of fluffing around backtracking after following suggestions from people who were evidently more lost than I was! There's only about 4 spots that need a little help for occasional visitors and dopey sods like me, though, the rest was really good.
1: The section where I gather you are supposed to end up on OMG and then head up Tinonee Road to come down Sweet As, I missed completely and ended up riding up Sweet As instead of down and then turning around back the way I came.
2: The turn into Scooters off Sweet As is easy to miss - I did this last year as well.
3: A red arrow beneath the green one on the tree opposite the exit from Entree on the northern side of Lantana Crossing Road would be helpful.
4: Coming off the fire road at the back of the farms at the eastern end of the loop as it turns parallel to Buckett's Way could do with a couple of red arrow signs at the fire trail intersection. The guys on motos were useless with directions! (To their credit, no moto tracks on singletrack).
Anyway, it was fun. I always come away with a grin after riding here. Hope you don't mind the feedback. These trails are awesome.
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