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Moon Rock - Another Reminder

Moon Rock.....
OK, so this still continues, but hopefully for not much longer. Having just posted on the Strava rides, I'm posting here too as there were a few names that I recognised as being in here too.
There's not really any excuse these days to claim that you "didn't know it was closed", especially when I would guess that just about everyone here frequents Rotorburn, is in a FB group that has discussed it and has most likely been informed on the trail!
So, anyways (slightly edited for this page):
Dear Riders,
I couldn't help but notice that some of you have ridden the Moon Rock Trail near Oxford Falls in recent times. In case you didn't know, this trail is a highly sensitive piece of trail on the Northern Beaches and has been an illegal trail for over a year and a half. This extends to the informal re-route, or “New Moon Rock” as well.
The trail is under the management of the MALC (Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council) and due to the sensitive and historic nature of this site, all riders have been asked to keep off it. Trail Care has been attempting to work with MALC to secure access to a much larger area on the Northern Beaches in the long term, but the continual riding of the Moon Rock Trail puts this access in serious jeopardy.
There have been repeated efforts to inform all riders of this closure, including large signs (impossible to miss) at the trail entry, large branches and trees across the trail and threads on multiple internet forums (Rotorburn, NobMob and Facebook groups). These seem to have continually been ignored time and time again.
To make matters worse, because riders have been unable to do the right thing and keep off the sacred lands at Moon Rock, relationships with MALC have been severely tarnished. MALC, as a result, have been successful in obtaining a large financial grant for a project called "protecting our bush from bikes", which is very concerning for the future of biking in the area. They are also working towards having the whole area converted to a national park (also bad for riders).
If you could please stay off this trail until the riding situation is resolved, you will be helping the greater cause for Mountain Biking on the Northern Beaches and Sydney as a whole.
In the meantime, if you need to get some single track action, please consider Nursery Rhymes/Powerlines as an alternate route, rather than the highly sensitive Moon Rock trail.
Please also pass this onto your friends who may still be unaware of this trail closure.
For reference, two of the notification threads are here:!!!-DO-NOT-RIDE!!!-I-MEAN-YOU
Many Thanks!
Gaby Mayo.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy]
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