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Proposal for Kuringgai Mountain Bike Trail (Wildflower gardens.)

Proposal for Ku-ring-gai Mountain Bike Trail
found this on our local council website - anyone heard of this plan?
PSRRG 75 – Bushland Mountain Bike Trail
"The proposal to construct a mountain bike trail adjacent to the new fire trail at Golden
Jubilee Fields in Wahroonga was discussed, including the application for a NSW Dept of
Sport and Recreation Regional Sports Facility Grant for this project. Frank Freeman raised
a concern that if the trail is constructed, parking spaces will need to be incorporated into
the overall design."
and see below for the lobbying for the "traditional sports"....(my son was asking the other day why there are 7 ovals within 4 kms in our area...but not a single bike park...)
"Frank Freeman asked that the area to be used for the Bushland Mountain Bike Trail be
considered for a ‘junior sportsfield’. The Director Strategy advised that this idea has been
investigated previously and is not possible, given the nature of the fill material and
inappropriate size and shape of the site."
and see last sentence in the below:
"Recreation Upgrade: nine walking tracks ($0.3m)
The Recreational Program is focused on the construction and improvement of a number of important walking tracks itemised here will:
Offer walkers access to a range of bushland environments;
Promote local and neighbourhood recreation, identified as a need through the Open Space Strategy - People, Parks & Bushland;
Provide more environmental education opportunities, such as signs and guided walks;
Assist with the development and implementation of the bushfire hazard reduction program through improved access to natural areas; and
Augment links to the major regional trails, including the Great North Walk and Harbour to Hawkesbury Walk, a key focus of a current Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR) plan for the Metropolitan Trails Strategy.
Details of Recreational Program - Recreational Program (35KB)
The walking trails funded under this program will complement the new tracks identified for funding under the Section 94 contributions plan and create links to the existing trail network. While all the tracks can be used by recreational walkers, many tracks will also expand the networks for mountain bike users, a growing sport that appeals to a wide range of people.
Rgds Hans
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