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Convict 44k for Kids!

Parenting is tricky business in the modern world and can certainly have its up and downs, victories and failures. Today was a victory, when my 12 yo son approached from behind at the 32k mark and said "Dad, keep up the pace"
I really wasn't sure what to expect today. I've done a few half marathons but 44 ks is a long ride for me let alone a 12 yo who really never does any training other than riding to school and a short club race once a month. Anyway such is the power of being young that after we get home today he goes grabs a nerf gun and RUNS out to the park to play with his mates, while I have a nice sit down.
The 44k group is a motley crew of kids, (a couple much younger than 12, legends) old, unfit, kookily dressed, lots of fluro for some reason, old bikes new bikes, even a couple of coil shock downhill bikes. In short a good fun group all enjoying their own personal battles. One fellow took what looked to be a bad fall with a fairly serious looking face injury about 5ks in, anyone hear if he was ok? I hope he wasn't the guy I saw on the start line with the slick road tyres.
We walked a bit but my young fella impressed wanting to ride as much as possible, such that I had to insist he walk sometimes. Even for the 44k riders getting the hills out of the way early was genius as it made the flowing fire trail descents much more fun knowing the worst was behind you. Our secret weapon was food, cherry ripes, cans of coke and lemon cordial. I swear he sped up everytime he had a sip of lemon cordial.
Then after the new wide canoe bridge it was just a nice ride up Settlers Road having fun trying to hold the wheels of a few 67k riders coming out of the hills. I know it won't last as eventually he'll discover, girls and cars and will head off to do his own thing, but I can enjoy it while it lasts and anyway I guess we'll be back next year, as he already told me he wanted to do it next year when we were only 20 ks in!
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