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Funny: You know you are a cyclist, when...

You know you are a cyclist, when...
You pull up on the steering wheel of your car to go over a speed bump.
You see a fit, tanned, lycra-clad young woman ride by, and the first thing you check out is her bike...
You find yourself rapidly switching across four lanes of traffic to check out bikes on the back of a car...
You spend your time at work on the internet watching the weather ...
You mourn for your old junker bike when you get a new one.
You're driving you scope out the rock formations on the side of the road and think " I could ride that..."
You don't buy bicycles any more - just frames...and are able to build them up from your "spare parts box"
You wave to cars with bikes on the roof, even when you don't have your own bike on your car.
You plan your holidays around riding.
You have random bike parts lying around your bedroom.
Your neighbours refer to you and your partner as "The Bike People"...
You'd rather read Mountain Bike mags instead of Playboy Magazine.
You are looking for the best riding line when hiking ...and you hold an imaginary handlebar in front of you...
Your nice, pressed, khaki dress pants for work have a greasy chainring imprinted on them... and they're your favourite pair.
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