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What A Blast

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By Bikeboy - Posted on 20 February 2009

But i must say a little dissapointed that no Nobmobbers made the effort to attend with me ...... i did give at least 24 hours notice of this ride AND i now know a few of you .....( perhaps my very average sense of humour hmm ) anyway feeling pumped i decided to give my previous PB a nudge of the standard green XC course ( 41 minutes ....and it was 35 deg )
With legs that remembered the pain of riding through the mud at the Sydney 24 14.5 i mean , i took off with only a few others on track ! This place is the polar opposite of Del Rio with powdered dusty trails in all directions .
I hit the top looking a little worse for wear and 25 minutes elapsed , t hen the fun bit , downhill at stromlo is one of the best trails i have the good fortune to fly down on a regular basis . I managed to knock off a whole minute to make my new PB 40.12 which i was happy with

Just to make a few jealous , on Thursday Night i had the pleasure of riding with the track builder on the Mont course , all 16.4 k's of really smooth track and only one pinch climb , plus a few little ones , this race in april should be one to look forward to and it is very quick but will test me come 3 am after running around it a few times .
I must have taken a few too many vitamins as i packed up from Sparrow Hill and Headed to Stromlo for a full night lap , Managed 47 Min , after Sparrow i was happy with that too .
It was a little creepy being the only one in the car park in pitch black surroundings just before the gates were locked ............. Thoughts of Wolf Creek came to mind , which helped the time taken to pack up no end

All up a very tough two nights away for work , god i love this job ......

I will try posting a ride with a little more time to spare next visit


Best Mountain Bike