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Rob's Mk3 Light

Rob's picture

By Rob - Posted on 02 April 2009

Mk3 light: 6 x Cree XPE driven at 700mA from a TaskLED MaxFlex. Khatod triple lens + 3 x Carlco 16 degree at the sides.

Fitted to 20x20x3mm aluminium then secured inside 75x25x3mm box section (75mm long so it's square). Covered in LED heat sinks from Jaycar.

Front cover from huge lump of plexiglass I found on the street. Oh, did I mention the box section was also a freebie offcut I found dumped last year and it's driven from an old 4000mAh, 10.8v laptop battery (also free)? Cable is recycled from Mk1.

Has a beam that will complete annihilate a set of Ay-Ups for well under half the price! Laughing out loud

LadyToast's picture

But what cost in man hours? Smiling

Looking forward to seeing it in action.

ar_junkie's picture

The Little Hedgehog...

philberesford's picture

Blimey that's quite a spikey beast you've created Rob. How does it perform?

Buck's picture

Let's just say when you have this beast on Ay Up riders are not sure if they have their lights on Smiling It just leaves them in the shadows completely

mtnbike's picture

'tell-em the price son!?' what does this thing cost?
Will Levy

Buck's picture
That includes 6 LEDs, 6 Lenses and a LED driver.

All you then need is a battery to power it all. So total should be somewhere between $200-$300 for a 1000+ lumen light Smiling

lozza6's picture

Looks the same as Bucks! Eye-wink

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