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Rob's Mk3 Light
Mk3 light: 6 x Cree XPE driven at 700mA from a TaskLED MaxFlex. Khatod triple lens + 3 x Carlco 16 degree at the sides.
Fitted to 20x20x3mm aluminium then secured inside 75x25x3mm box section (75mm long so it's square). Covered in LED heat sinks from Jaycar.
Front cover from huge lump of plexiglass I found on the street. Oh, did I mention the box section was also a freebie offcut I found dumped last year and it's driven from an old 4000mAh, 10.8v laptop battery (also free)? Cable is recycled from Mk1.

Gluing Optics
Gluing the optics to LED holder. Note how runny this epoxy is - I don't like it at all, but thankfully it did the job.
The grey thing on top is the perspex lens cover placed there to make sure the centre Khatod lenses stay square.

Carlco + Khatod Height
This shot was to check the height of a 10x10mm Carlco + square XPE (Cree) compared to triple Khatod lens ontop round XPE.
Think the longer legs on the Khatod need filling a little, but the 2x3mm alu (yes - those chunks of aluminium under the emitter/lens combo in the left are 3mm thick) is just about perfect, or will be when they get a little glue between them.

XPE Single + Triples with lenses
These things are tiny!
A sheet of single XPE emitters, with one 16 degree Carlco lens. Then some triples with 18 degree lenses.
The triples fit really nicely, the lenses slotting into the MCPCB. Ideally the singles should have come supplied on square boards so the tiny square lens did the same. It would be nice to get them exchanged but one could make do with rounds with care.