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2013 DH Championships Lithgow
First video from our RedAss DH State Championships by Caleb Hanrahan!

NSW State XC Championship
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
It's been building to this all year and will be the last chance for our local top guns to test their legs before the World Cup the two weekends later in Canberra. Entries should be open soon.
Held at Wollongong Mountain Bike Club's track at Appin, the technical and fun track should produce some spectacular racing.
Entries now open!
Elite Men
Elite Women
U19 Men
U19 Women
U17 Men
U15 Men
U15 Women
U13 Men
Vet Men (30 to 39)
Masters Men (40 to 49)
Masters Women (40+)

New NSWMTB Trail Advocacy List
The good folk over at NSWMTB are getting organised. They are trying to co-ordinate advocacy actions at state level and to this end setup a Wiki a while back, and now a mailing list.
I believe the plan is that the mailing list will be low volume for announcements and organising action when it needs to be taken. If you don't want to miss a chance to help advocacy campaigns it's probably a good plan to join this list.
There's a link to the list top of their Wiki, here: