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Lost + Found

For things that fall off your bike.
nh's picture

Found - Front Wheel - Manly Dam 25/7

I picked up a front wheel that was left behind at Manly Dam today around 11:45.

Thought I should take it instead of the walkers who were looking at it.

PM or email me if it is yours - nhinbox at

dreggsy's picture

LOST orange sunglasses

hey all, i lost some sunnies look very roadie type, orange frames, blue rubber and silverish lenses
team rabobank colours really

lost between manly dam over on the pipeline way / through cascades

please pm me if found.

sketchylanding's picture

Found - Manly Dam - Sun 16May multi tool

Describe brand and condition and I will get it back to you.

Jeff's picture

Found Trek cable lock

Found Trek a Trek cable keylock on Sunday 2nd May on The Oaks singletrack. Contact me and I'll try to return it.

Chesco's picture

LOST - AYUP - Gecko Helmet Mount - Manly Dam

Hi Guys,

I lost my Gecko Helmet Mount @ the Dam.

It looks like this:

If found, (or if you have a spare one Smiling, happy to buy of you) please give me a buzz on 0400 167 935.


nath69's picture

Cash Traders

Hi all

After hearing a friend had his expensive DH bike stolen the other day I thought I would post what I consider strange.
I saw a Giant Glory DH0, perhaps 2008, in Cash Traders at DY with $3000.00 on it. If I needed to offload a bike of that calibre, it would not be somewhere like that.

Hope it helps anyone


muvro's picture

LOST - Black Ay-Up

I lost a black Ay-Up light two weeks ago in Terry Hills.

If anyone has come across it, I'd be very greatful.


SW's picture

Lost @ Manly dam - Topeak carbon mini pump

Lost between 5 - 6pm saturday 21 March at Manly dam.....

If any honest person happens to have found it, I would certainly appreciate getting it back. Please drop me a PM. Reward of 6-pack!


staffe's picture

Wheelset found at manly Dam

As I was packing up tonight (Tuesday) I found a wheelset by the kerb. I would very much like to see it re-united whith its owner.

PM me or answer on this thred and we will ensure the wheels find its owner again.


[Mod: Moved to lost + found]

LadyToast's picture


Found what looks like a house key on a red carrabina on Mona Vale Road. There is something particular about this key, let me know what it is and it's yours.

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