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Nice single trail

string's picture

Apping Sunday Morning Training Ride?

Sunday, 24 August, 2008 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

Corner Burke & Market St, Appin. There's a small parking area here at the trail head. If lost ask local for the fire station and Scout Hall.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Proposing 3 laps of approx 10km each. For some 2 might be enough. Training ride at medium pace. Quick stops at end of each lap to refuel. Fairly technical in places so some experience is required. Awesome track with "no boring bits".
Late notice leave pass so sorry for late posting.

Kincumber Reserve

At a Glance

Status: Unknown
11 for 13km (88%)
Single Track - Enclosed:
6 for 1.8km (12%)

Kincumber Reserve Gallery

Located just south of Erina Fair (to the East of Gosford), there is a bit of a mix for everyone here.
Firetrails for the beginner, some intermediate single track and a small but sweet downhill trail.

You have the option of riding up from the north side (near Erina Fair) or driving in from the South (via Kincumber) if you are less inclined to do the climb. Not particularly well marked, but difficult to get lost.

Best Mountain Bike