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Fulcrum wheels
Ok so my Joytech rear hub is well past its used by date.
So I think I would like to invest in a lighter tubless wheelset (for $400) and found that the Fulcrum Red Metal 3s look like they mean business.
They would be used on the 26" Trance with 15mm front thru-axle. 9mm QR on the back!

New wheels - help!
Hi All,
I had my '09 Epic serviced the other week by the guys at Wembley (thanks boys!) and they mentioned that the rear wheel is on its way out so I thought I should start investigating some options... Could I get some advise as to what to look for? I notice chainreactions has a sale on wheelsets at the moment reviews on the Mavic's look good.

Wheels of Fortune
I have no clue about TWE wheels.
However may I recommend something for you. All are based on Hope pro 2 hubs.