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It's not just the heat!
First up - thanks to Unclebullbar for the suggestion and looking after the two randoms (one of whom happens to be a colleague of mine) on the second lap.
However, not sure I thank him for bringing Tate along - he damn near killed me on the 3rd lap. Luckily I was happy for being dragged round as PB'd that course with a 37:34. Interesting that last week I had a similar experience trying to keep up with Steve01 & co and managed a 39:17, so gotta be happy with almost 2 minutes faster today.

Riding in a Sauna!
I was a bit surprised when pulling into Ourimbah today - there were loads of riders around undaunted by the ridiculous heat.
We didn't take note of the thermometer in the car (only one for reference) when we'd done, but after driving a while on the way home it was reading 39C so would guess things were a good bit warmer when it was sat in the Ourimbah parking lot. Thankfully most of Ourimbah is shady - without cover this day would have been brutal (check what happened at Marramarra for that!).