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buradorii's picture

oxford falls

Saturday, 9 April, 2011 - 12:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Ride Database Entry: 
Oxford Falls (Morgan Road)
Meeting Point: 

Morgan Road, Belrose. At the second 90 degree right hand bend in the road. There's an area just before you can park and a firetrail heading off to the left.... i guess. if anyone wants to change this we can accommodate.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Hey guys. Just trying to organise a ride at oxford falls for the 9th of april. I will be making my way there from sydney city so if anyone wants to tag along for the trip you are more than welcome. Details are ready to chance (apart from date) to accommodate for you.

Rourkus's picture

Found lost property - Manly Dam

Yesterday I found an underseat clip on bag on the Manly Dam trail containing some MTB day trip vitals (estimated total value close to $100!) to keep their owner hopefully out of trouble. If you believe this is yours, please send me a message detailing the contents of the bag for its return.

I also found a muddy soaked navy blue XL zip polo jumper with a gold energy drink logo embroided on its chest. I left it hanging on shrub branch on the downhill single trail section above Manly Dam.

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